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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Creating a Coach View Template in IBM Process Designer


Templates are an ideal way to create a standardized look across multiple Coach Views. A template is a Coach View that someone marks as being usable as a template in its Overview page. Users can then select the template when they are creating Coach Views. The new Coach Views have the content of the template as base content to which the users can then add content. For example, you create a Coach View that has the company logo and name in a banner area and a content box as a placeholder for other content. When you use this Coach View as a template, you can then select it when you are creating another Coach View. The new Coach View has the banner area defined in the template along with an area for content. Other users can also use the template when they are creating Coach Views so that there is a consistent look across the new Coach Views. Because templates are Coach Views, you can also drop them onto Coaches. For example, if you have a template that has a common banner, you can drop it onto a Coach so that the Coach has the common banner.


The template serves as a way to update multiple Coach Views simultaneously. Because the template is a reference to a Coach View and not a copy, if you change the template, all of the Coach Views based on that template are updated as well with those changes.
This article is shows how to create a Coach View that contains a simple header and footer and how to make the Coach View available as a template.
We are going to develop a Template with three areas: a header that contains standard text, a content area, and a footer that contains some more standard text. To separate the areas, Template uses <div> tags.


We will complete the following steps to create a Template using the coach view.
Ø  Create a Coach view.
Ø  Make a Template.
Ø  Create a Human Service.
Ø  Test the application.

Create a Coach view:

Before creating coach view, we need to create a process Application in IBM Process Designer.
Login IBM Process Designer V8.0 with username and password. Click on Create New Process App, enter name of the process app is ‘Coach View Application’ and acronym as CVA then click on finish.
Click the Add icon for User Interface and then select Coach View.
Give the Coach View name as ‘EAITemplate’ and then click on finish.
In the Layout page of the Coach View, drop a custom HTML item onto the layout canvas.

Select the properties of the custom HTML item, add the following HTML code as text that goes in the header:

<div id="header">
        <h1 id="header_text">Enterprise Application Integration by AMEER</h1>
<div id="content">
The above code defines the text that goes in the header division and opens the main content division.
Drop a content box below the custom HTML item for the content area. The content box is a placeholder for content that is defined by Coach Views and Coaches that users create based on the My Template Coach View. In this case, content placed in the content box fits between the header and footer in the EAITemplate Coach View.
Select the Layout page of the Coach View, drop a custom HTML item onto the layout canvas below the content box.
Select the properties of the second custom HTML item, add the following HTML code as text that goes in the footer.
<div id="footer">
        <h5 id="footer_text">Copyright © 2013 Enterprise Application Integration by AMEER</h5>
This code closes the content division and defines the text that goes in the footer division.
Now we will define the look of the EAITemplate Coach View by adding the following code as inline CSS in the Behavior page.
Select the Behavior page and click on inline CSS add the code in code section as shown below.
Normally, we would put the CSS code in a file and then use Included Scripts to refer to the file. To keep things simple, in this article we are using inline CSS.

Make a Template:

To make the EAITemplate Coach View into a template, select the Overview page and select the check box Use as a Template.
Save the changes.
To represent the EAITemplate Coach View on the palette, in the New Coach View wizard add a palette icon.
Take a screen capture of the EAITemplate Coach View in a browser, save it as a .png file, and use that file as the palette icon. Before setting the Palette and Layout Icons we need to upload the image which we had took screen shot.
Click the Add icon for Files and then select Web Files.
Browse the image screen shot file and click on Finish.
Open the EAITemplate Coach View; Select the Overview page browse the saved image file for Palette Icon and Layout Icon.
Save the EAITemplate Coach View.

Create a Human Service:

Before we can test this application, we need to make it use of Coach View template in any of the coach. So we need to create a Human service to implement a coach.
Click the Add icon for User Interface and then select Human Service. Give the name as EAIHome then click on finish.
Drag and drop a coach activity to Diagram Page in EAIHome human Service. Rename the Coach name as EAITemplate.
Take a wire activity and wire from start to EAITemplate as shown below.
Double click on EAITemplate in EAIHome Human Service, It will open Coaches Page, Select the EAITemplate and select the Template button and then select the template which we have developed earlier then click on Ok.
Now the Human Service Coaches page will look like below.

Test the application:

Now we have completed creation of Coach View template and usage of template. We need to test this application now.
Open the EAIHome human service Click on Run Button at the corner.
Now our application will be open in a browser with the template screen as shown below.


We learnt how to create a coach view and making a coach view as template. The risk is that if someone edits that Coach View template, the changes apply to all instances of that Coach View. These changes might have unintended consequences in other process applications. If you think the risk is too high, you might want to create the Coach View in the process application to limit the changes to that particular process application.


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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Developing Business State machine in IBM WPS

This article provides an overview of the Business State Machine component and its capabilities and discusses the usage of BPEL processes as an alternative. The series builds a vending machine by using more Business State Machine capabilities. We make our vending machine collect money, introduce actions, and test it using a component test.
BSM provides support for business items that have a life cycle. These are items that have states that are driven by events, and typically have loop-based logic (returning to previous states). A vending machine can be turned on, collect money, dispense a product, and return change. It follows this loop over and over again until it is turned off. It has other loops as well. For example, the vending machine must ensure that the customer has deposited enough money before the requested product can be dispensed. Furthermore, if applicable, change may need to be returned to the customer.
It is typical for this type of application to be represented using a state machine. A state machine basically consists of states with transitions between them. These transitions can occur in a number of ways. A BSM, like other components in Process Server, is a Service Component Architecture (SCA) component. Its interface is defined using the Web Services Definition Language (WSDL). Any number of WSDLs can be predefined and associated with the BSM as it is developed. And, all of the operations defined in these WSDLs must be used in the BSM. For BSMs, WebSphere Integrated Developer provides a way of graphically developing the BSM. The editor's representation is based on the Unified Modeling Language (UML) definition of state machine modeling and design. We will show how the state machine is represented in the editor as we build and extend the vending machine.
The BSM editor works with an XML representation of the state machine called the State Adaptive Choreography Language (SACL, pronounced sachel). The SACL file is used to generate a Business Process Choreography (BPC) BPEL process. This process is long running so that it manages persistence of the state of the state machine. The fact that a process is generated does not impact the development, debugging, or monitoring of a BSM. However, when administering a BSM either through the BPC Explorer or the BPC Explorer runtime API, the core functionality and interaction with the state machine is represented by a long running BPEL process.
Because BSM generates a BPEL process, this leads to the question of when one approach should be used over the other when designing business applications. At the highest level the processes can be thought of as "verbs" that work with state machines that are "nouns." However, in cases where the state machines are--and will--remain simple, it may be better to use a process. For example, a state machine without any loops (returning to an earlier state), would probably make more sense being developed as a process. However, if there is a lot of looping, the state machine provides a much more natural way to develop, debug, and monitor.
This state machine has three states and two transitions.
InitialState1 state is an initial state that is indicated by the green circle icon. Since this is where the state machine starts, every state machine must have exactly one initial state.
FinalState1 state is a final state that is indicated by the blue circles icon. The state machine ends when it reaches a final state. There can be multiple final states, but since the state machine always ends when reaching a final state, defining multiple final states in a BSM has no effect on the application functionality or logic. Multiple final states would only be used when different entry actions are needed (covered in an upcoming article) or, more often, to make the state machine more readable.
Running state is referred to as a simple state. In this case, the Running state can be entered through the powerOn operation and exited through the powerOff operation. As we will see later, we can have multiple operations entering and exiting a single state.

Now let's start our vending machine, so we can explore the core state machine concepts supported by BSM and how they are presented in Integration Developer.
We will complete the following steps to develop BSM using Integration Developer.
                             Ø  Create Artifacts.
                             Ø  Create BSM.
                             Ø  Implement BSM.
                             Ø  Test BSM.
Create Artifacts:
Create a library called ‘EAI_Library’ and create two interfaces as shown below.

Create BSM:
Create a Module called ‘EAI_VendingMachineModule’ and create a Business State Machine.
Right click on Integration Logic àNew àBusiness State Machine.
Give the name as ‘BSM_VendingMachine’ and click on next.
Select the interface ‘VendingMachineMaintenanceInterface’ and operation name ‘powerOn’. Select the input ‘SerialNumber’ for correlation information.
Now the initial BSM Looks like below.
Implement BSM:
Create three variables called SerialNumber (String), DepositAmount (Int), and TotalAmount (Int) under Variables section.
Select the wire and Right click àAdd àOperation.
Select the newly added operation àProperties àSelect interface ‘VendingMachineMaintenanceInterface’ and operation ‘powerOff’.
Select wire near PowerOn operation and click on Add an Action.
Rename as initialize and select Properties àDetails àJava, and then add the following code.
Select the Running status then add the entry and add the following code under properties à Details àJava.
Drag and drop a Simple activity from Pallet and rename as Collecting.
Add ‘VendingMachineInterface’ interface to the BSM.
Drag a wire from Running status to Collectingstatus. Select VendingMachineInterface interface and deposit operation.
Add and action to deposit operation and writ the following code.
Drag a wire from running ‘Collecting’ status to ‘Collecting status to implement a loop. Add an operation deposit and add an action then add the following code.
Drag a wire from collecting status to runningstatus. Add an operation coinReturnand add an activity rename as ReturnMoneythen add the following code.
Select and activity for PowerOff operation rename as Shutting Down and write the following code at property window.
Now select the CorrelationProperty1 àProperties àDescription then click on Add button.
Enter the XPath to select correlation variable from each operation.
Now the final correlation property will be look like below.
We have implemented Business State Machine, Open assembly diagram and drag and drop ‘BSM_VendingMachine’ on assembly diagram.
Test BSM:
We have completed Business State Machine implementation. Now we can test this by using component test method. Start the WPS server and Deploy the ‘EAI_VendingMachineModule’ module.
Open Assembly diagram and right click on ‘BSM_VendingMachine’ select Test Component.
Now it will open Integration Test Client, select the interface ‘VendingMachineMaintenanceInterface’ and operation powerOn, enter SerialNumber as 111 the click on continue.
Then click on invoke symbol, it will open new invoke test run, select ‘VendingMachineInterface’ and deposit interface then give SerialNumber as 111 and DepositAmount 100 then click on continue.
Repeat the above step for test returnCoin and PowerOffoperations. The final result will be look like below.
The successful transaction logs will be printed to SystemOut log and console as shown below.
In this article, we learnt to implement the vending machine using BSM. This provided our first self-transition, the addition of variables, and actions. We then used the component test. We discussed the differences between BPEL processes and BSMs, with specific regards to how state machines provide a good solution for "nouns" that are event driven and have looping.
File Name
BSM Sample.zip
BSM Sample
15 KB
BSM in WPS.pdf
BSM in WPS Document
1.02 MB

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Friday, March 7, 2014

The Advantages of using IBM Business Process Manager


IBM® Business Process Manager is provided in two major configurations: Business Process Manager Standard and Business Process Manager Advanced. The benefits of using Business Process Manager Standard are fairly well understood, but the incremental benefits of using Business Process Manager Advanced are not as well understood. This article is intended to address that situation.


IBM released IBM Business Process Manager V7.5. This new product integrated the best capabilities of WebSphere® Lombardi Edition and WebSphere Process Server.

The objectives of this article are as follows:

v  Explain the capabilities and benefits of Business Process Manager Advanced.

v  Explain the kinds of integration capabilities that are available with Business Process Manager Advanced and IBM Integration Designer. In particular, show how straightforward it is to build integration capabilities without coding.

v  Show how the integration capabilities of Business Process Manager Advanced can supplement and extend Business Process Manager Standard and enable straightforward support of more advanced use cases.

The target audience for this article is one who is familiar with IBM Business Process Manager Standard but has little experience of IBM Business Process Manager Advanced. However, anyone interested in understanding the distinguishing characteristics of IBM Business Process Manager Advanced will benefit.

Process integration challenges

Building business processes that consist of end-user interactions coupled together with a few web services and database calls is a fairly straightforward undertaking. Indeed, if the world consisted strictly of web services and relational databases, we might think that integrating components together with business processes was a done deal. However, there are several concerns that serve to make the integration of processes and the underlying systems that they interact with much more complex:
  1. We do not live in a world where all interactions are well-defined – either by WSDL or by SQL. Even where these are available some choose not to use them.
We do live in a world where there are data sources that do not support WSDL or SQL, where interfaces to systems of record are defined by messaging, TCP/IP, SNA (yes, you still see these on occasion!), proprietary data formats and unusual, and one-off integration mechanisms.
We also live in a world where, even though there are WSDL interfaces, they may use complex XML schema or may involve more than just the basic WSDL capabilities, such as WS-Security.
  1. The interactions with underlying systems are not always successful. Systems might be unavailable when requests are made or fail in flight, they might respond too slowly for the calling business process, the input data might be incorrect, and any number of other failure scenarios.
  2. There are cases where the business process requires that the entire process needs to be undone in a controlled manner – a credit check might fail, a risk assessment might be unfavorable, and so on. In these cases, any system interactions that have already completed need to be reversed.
  3. Data mapping requirements are often complex; for example, those that require content-dependent mappings, contain lists, or require rules or business logic.
  4. Inbound interactions are required; for example, I want to start a process instance when a specific update is made to a particular system.
Why do we care about these cases? Don't all systems these days work most of the time? Don't they have fail-safes and back-ups so that they're always available? And if a system does fail, don't we always have activity and transaction logs so that we can go back and fix any problems? The answer to these questions is "yes, some of the time," which translates to "no, not all of the time." Let's look at some examples that illustrate the issues:
Financial transactions:
Let's take a Business Process Manager environment and its connected systems, such as CICS®, IMS™ Rational Application Developer ™ and Oracle® Financials. This system, as a whole, is 99.999% reliable – pretty good by most standards. This is a medium-sized financial institution that processes 10 million transactions per day. Note that this is easily 50 times smaller than the largest institutions.
With 99.999% systems reliability, 0.001% of transactions will have some kind of issue that needs to be addressed. For this mid-sized company that is 100 issues every single working day that need to be taken care of in some way. For larger institutions, we're looking at 50 times that, or 5,000 issues per day!
So even with this fairly reliable system, the sheer volume of transactions being processed means that any problem, even a small one, means a lot of issues to fix every single day. The process integration capabilities available in Business Process Manager Advanced provide a way to either avoid problems altogether or provide an automated way to address problems once they have occurred. In particular, an automated recovery environment allows you to bypass the manual intervention that would otherwise be required.
Duplicating orders:
Not every organization is a large financial institution, so let's also take a look at a more down to earth example. Let's say I have a solar powered fan on the roof of my house and the fan fails. It is still under warranty so I call the company that supplied the fan. The company agrees to replace the fan and sends an email requesting shipping details. When the shipping information is received, it will be entered into the shipping system by hand.
After a few days, I call the company to check on the status. I talk to a different person than previously. She makes a few checks and tells me that she is entering my details into the shipping system right now. The same morning, my original contact also enters my details into the shipping system. There are no facilities to check for duplicates.
After two days I receive my replacement fan. After 3 days I receive my second fan. The solar fan company is down one extra fan, plus shipping costs.

Handling failure scenarios with IBM Business Process Manager

The Business Process Manager Standard environment was designed to handle straightforward integration challenges. Specifically:
v  While it's possible to build simple interfaces to backend systems out of the box, it can be quite involved to implement anything other than a simple style. It is not impossible, but there are multiple hoops to jump through and the implementation usually involves a good deal of JavaScript™.
v  BPM Standard does not support transactions, failure recovery or compensation. Rather, IBM Business Process Manager Standard takes a fairly optimistic view of the processing environment and so does not provide significant out-of-the-box capabilities for addressing issues when they occur.
Fortunately, these types of advanced capabilities are addressed in the IBM Business Process Manager Advanced environment, which provides many connectivity capabilities and adopts a rather more pessimistic view to complement the more optimistic view of IBM Business Process Manager Standard. The Business Process Manager Advanced environment provides capabilities to handle issues when they arise. Combined together, the capabilities provided in Business Process Manager Standard and Business Process Manager Advanced provide a comprehensive solution for enterprise integration requirements.
Note: For most environments, a Business Process Manager Advanced configuration includes all of the capabilities of BPM Standard.

Business Process Manager Process integration capabilities

One of the most successful components oriented, distributed computing models of recent years is SOA. SOA has been adopted by most vendors and a very large set of customers. Fully exploiting the services provided by SOA requires an orchestration component that can not only invoke the services in the correct order, but also handle failure, errors and any other challenge that comes along when there are many services on many different platforms in many different locations. The following sections describe the capabilities that are provided by IBM Business Process Manager Advanced to fully exploit an SOA infrastructure.
Service Component Architecture (SCA)
Today's operating environments are made up of many different moving parts, or components. Properly joining all of these components together is a major challenge, involving support of multiple connection types, different interfaces, global and discrete transactions, passing of security context and so on. The traditional approach to solving this issue was tightly coupled solutions where a process was tied to a specific WSDL, queue or URL.
SCA eases these challenges by providing a layer of indirection in which a calling component knows the interface its calling out to, but doesn't know or need to know to which implementation it is tied. SCA was part of WebSphere Process Server and is now available in Business Process Manager Advanced.
The IBM implementation of SCA provides a graphical representation of how components are associated with each other, as illustrated in below Figure.
  With SCA, the only concern is with the interface. This means that it is easy to add to or change the diagram without affecting the rest of the picture, as shown in below Figure.
Note: Figures 1 and 2 represent how components are joined together; they should not be viewed as flow from one side to the other or top to bottom.
Figure 2 shows how the components are connected, so beginning on the left, the required components are invoked in a call/return style, then the flow is exited the same way it was entered. The components in the diagram are SCA components. The simple representation in Figure 2 shows:
Ø  On the left, a call from a Business Process Manager Standard component (this is an Advanced Integration Service (AIS) Import component).
Ø  In the middle, a BPEL process component and a mediation component.
Ø  On the right, calls to a database (JDBCImport is a call to a database using the JDBC adapter) and a web service call (WSImport1).
The available component types are processes, human tasks, Java™, rule groups, state machines and mediations.
To communicate with an SCA assembly, there is a set of exports and imports, three of which are shown above. These provide support for HTTP, JMS, generic JMS (enables the use of non-J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA) 1.5 Java Message Service (JMS) providers), WebSphere MQ, MQ over JMS, web services (SOAP 1.2, SOAP 1.1, SOAP 1.1 using JAX-RPC, SOAP 1.1/JMS), Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) and business process diagram (BPD) (to invoke a Business Process Manager Standard component), AIS (to enable invocation from a Business Process Manager Standard Component), IBM Case Manager and an optimized, internal SCA binding. Some of the advantages of these exports and imports are as follows:
Ø  No programming is required, which makes it simple to use a target connection style by simply performing some configuration. In the WebSphere MQ example shown in Figure 3 all that is required is to complete the MQ server and queue name information (or use JNDI) and, in some cases, configure the data handler.
This means connectivity can be implemented rapidly without any coding, and connection/session pooling are all handled under the covers.
Ø  The imports and the exports all interchangeable. This makes it straightforward and non-disruptive, for example, to switch from a web service call to a JMS call.
Ø  You can add components to the diagram without affecting the existing components (though you may have to match up interfaces). This is similar to the way that you build BPDs in Business Process Manager Standard.
Ø  There is built-in support for different standards and capabilities, many of which are not supported in Business Process Manager Standard, such as different levels of SOAP support, web services security and many more.
Many application environments provide simple, well documented interfaces to enable other components to access their capabilities. However, some popular applications have complex interfaces and arcane interaction styles. Others make it straightforward to pass information to an application but not so easy to get information out of it. IBM Business Process Manager Advanced provides the following set of inbound and outbound adapters to ease the challenges of accessing some of the more popular application environments:
Ø  CICS (outbound)
Ø  IBM Enterprise Content Management (inbound and outbound)
Ø  IMS (outbound)
Ø  Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne (inbound and outbound)
Ø  Lotus® Domino (inbound and outbound)
Ø  Oracle eBusiness Suite (inbound and outbound)
Ø  PeopleSoft™ (inbound and outbound)
Ø  SAP® (inbound and outbound)
Ø  Siebel® (inbound and outbound)
As well as adapters for applications, there are also adapters that help in connecting to the following common technology infrastructures:
Ø  Email (inbound and outbound)
Ø  Flat files (inbound and outbound)
Ø  FTP (inbound and outbound)
Ø  iSeries (inbound and outbound)
Ø  JDBC Databases (inbound and outbound)
These standards-based adapters all conform to the J2C specification and are all available as SCA components, which means that they be integrated with other components using SCA. The JDBC adapter in the SCA diagram in Figure 1 illustrates this. All of the requirements for connecting to the target environment and exchanging data with it are encapsulated into each adapter.
Adapters make it much simpler to connect to resources and applications. For example, Figure 4 shows the required configuration to receive input from a file.
Each adapter will have its own target-specific configuration. The file adapter configuration shown in Figure 4 is probably the most basic.
Integrated ESB
One of the common ways of connecting components is to use the capabilities of an ESB. An ESB can be used in conjunction with an SCA environment, shown as mediation in Figure 2, or it can be used standalone. An ESB provides the following primary capabilities:
Ø  Connectivity - Integration of different transports; for example, where one system uses JMS messaging and another uses WSDL/HTTP.
Ø  Endpoint virtualization - The ESB is aware of the actual endpoints that should be used rather than requiring the caller to know. This is especially useful when there are choices of endpoints or the endpoints change frequently.
Ø  Data mediation/transformation - A particular system represents data in one way and another represents the same data in a different way.
Ø  Data encapsulation - Minimizes the data exposed to processes. Some systems, especially those that support standard data formats (such as EDI) require large, often sparse data structures as input and output. To avoid the need for a process to handle these data structures, the ESB does it instead.
Ø  Data enrichment - Adding additional data fields to a message.
Ø  IBM Business Process Manager Advanced includes WebSphere ESB. WebSphere ESB is a good option for an ESB, but it is not a required component. Many customers will choose to use WebSphere Message Broker, Data Power XI50/52 or even another vendor's ESB. All of these are valid choices. However, using the embedded WebSphere ESB has several advantages over a separate component:
Ø  Same tooling, same component model, less to learn.
Ø  The ability to use Process Center and its management and governance capabilities.
Ø  Transaction propagation.
Ø  The possibility of co-location when performance requirements demand such a pattern.
Ø  Error handling policies such as time-out and retry count specification.
When faced with process integration challenges, it's tempting to think that Business Process Manager Standard and an ESB are sufficient. This configuration will certainly handle some challenges, most notably connecting to other systems, but there are other aspects of process integration that this combination cannot address. The next section describes these aspects.
Distributed transactions
The word transaction means different things to different people. In the context of this discussion, a transaction is an interaction with a system in which that interaction has ACID (Atomic, Consistent, Isolation, and Durable) properties. As described in the IBM CICS Information Center, this means the following:
Ø  Atomicity
All changes to data are performed as if they are a single operation. That is, all the changes are performed or none of them are.
For example, in an application that transfers funds from one account to another, the atomicity property ensures that, if a debit is made successfully from one account, the corresponding credit is made to the other account. A more romantic example is a wedding. There is no point at which only one of the parties is married – they're either both married or both not (yet) married!
Ø  Consistency
Data is in a consistent state when a transaction starts and when it ends.
For example, in an application that transfers funds from one account to another, the consistency property ensures that the total value of funds in both the accounts is the same at the start and end of each transaction.
Ø  Isolation
The intermediate state of a transaction is invisible to other transactions. As a result, transactions that run concurrently appear to be serialized.
For example, in an application that transfers funds from one account to another, the isolation property ensures that another transaction sees the transferred funds in one account or the other, but not in both, nor in neither.
Ø  Durability
After a transaction successfully completes, changes to data persist and are not undone, even in the event of a system failure. For example, in an application that transfers funds from one account to another, the durability property ensures that the changes made to each account will not be reversed.
What does this mean to non-techies? If something is a part of a transaction, then it happens reliably and consistently, and in an automated, recoverable way. This is not as straightforward as it sounds; when all of the systems and services are on the same server things are not so difficult, but consider what happens when the process engine is on one server and the target service is on some other server. Let's make things even more difficult; let's suppose that you have multiple services or applications all on separate servers, some fairly local, some very remote, and you have to have a single ACID transaction that spans them all! Further, if there's a failure in one of these systems, the transaction must be suspended and then recovered when the systems comes back, ensuring that all resources are properly synchronized.
This is the sort of capability that IBM has been supporting since the 1960s. In fact, this capability has been around for so long that many of our clients take it for granted, assuming that these capabilities are available in all systems. Well, they're not. When it comes to transactional integrity IBM rules the roost and – from a BPM viewpoint - IBM Business Process Manager Advanced is where this capability is supported.
In fact, the capabilities in Business Process Manager Advanced go beyond what's described above. The implementer of the process gets to control which systems are involved in which distributed transactions so that when discrete control is needed, it is there to be used. For example, as shown in Figure 5, in IBM Integration Designer, a developer may select how transactions will be handled using a graphical editor (a broken green line indicates that a transaction might be joined or propagated but the system cannot confirm that will happen).
One last note on transactions. All systems will suffer failures at some point in their lives; the issue really is how well the system deals with the failure. One of the distinguishing characteristics of Business Process Manager Advanced is that it can deal with transaction recovery in an automated style – no human intervention is needed to figure out what went wrong and how to make it right. It's not enough to collect log entries and other information that enables things to be fixed, but the capability to recover automatically, rather than requiring manual intervention that distinguishes Business Process Manager Advanced. Just consider the amount of activity that a system processing 1000 transactions a second generates when one of its component parts fails and the advantages of automated recovery become very clear.
As powerful as distributed transactions are, they don't cover all of the bases. There are two main scenarios that cause problems for distributed transactions:
Ø  As suggested above, the ACID properties of transactions require holding onto, or locking, resources until everything in the transaction scope has been carried out, then commit everything at once. This locking means that no other processes can see the data. This is the all or nothing aspect of transactions. This is fine in the world of sub-second interactions, but it doesn't work so well in the world of business processes that can execute over an extended time period - even a minute or so is an eternity for today's processors. For this reason, for long-running processes it's generally not practical to include multiple services in a single transaction and so, in this long-running environment, services are committed on an individual basis. This is a somewhat optimistic model, though a necessary one. It works well if the process runs successfully to completion, but there are some challenges if that's not that case.
Ø  Not all services and systems support the protocols that are necessary for distributed ACID transactions. For example, a file system is not transactional, so if a file (for example, an Excel spreadsheet) is involved in a business process, it cannot be a part of a distributed transaction.
There is a second class of this scenario. There are some activities that are both non-transactional and irreversible. The simplest example of this is probably printing a letter that is destined for a customer. Once a print request has been fulfilled, there is no reverse action for the request, whereas for a file, you could consider removing the "offending" file, file insert, and so on.
When these kinds of activities are involved in a business process, transactions don't fulfill all of the requirements and you another set of capabilities called compensation. Compensation provides the ability to undo the actions carried out in a business process in an ordered, automated style. It includes the following capabilities:
Ø  Undo actions that correspond to the entire do ((forward) actions in a process. Very often, the undo action for a do action is easy to figure out. A delete corresponds to an insert/append for a database. If you added something to a database or file, you can delete it. If you deleted something, you can add it back (though you need to make sure to retain a copy of the deleted data just in case it's required.) Sometimes, though it is not so simple. Take the print request describe earlier. There is no "unprint," so instead an undo action might be to print some form of retraction or apology.
Ø  The subtlety to consider here is this: transactions and simple undo logic for a database are technical IT activities, but printing a second letter for a customer is a business-driven activity rather than an IT-driven activity. Further, based on business considerations you might choose to have a much more sophisticated undo action, such as print the apology but if this is a gold customer, also call them or send them a text message.
Ø  A compensation manager watches every instance of every process and notes all do actions and the order in which they were executed. There could be multiple paths in a business process, so this is not as straightforward as it might first appear.
There must be an activity to cause compensation to take place. In some cases, compensation might be driven by an IT-level failure in the process. In other cases, the decision to abandon this process instance (thus driving compensation) might be business-driven, for instance, based on a customer decision.
The compensation capabilities of Business Process Manager enable you to undo the previous actions of a process instance, some of which might have been transactional in nature. In addition, the compensation process is fully automated. You don't need to write reams of code to make this happen, because compensation is a core component of Business Process Manager Advanced. In some cases, you may still need to provide undo actions that are not provided by the service, or when the undo action is non-intuitive, as in the printing example.
Figure 6 shows a (BPEL) process flow on the left and two examples of compensation functions on the right. The top one, labeled "Global process fault handler," is for handling of general, usually unexpected faults. The lower one, labeled "Compensation handler to undo service that is not transactional," is specific to a particular situation, that is, where a non-transactional update has been performed.
Failed events management
There are some kinds of process failures that neither transactions nor compensation can help out with. For example:
Ø  A target service is not available or is failing.
Ø  The process is not capable of handling the business data; for example, a field is unexpectedly out of bounds or is not present at all. This can often impact decision nodes or endpoint services. This situation often happens when a service is updated without the process being aware of it.
Ø  The target for a JMS or WebSphere MQ message is not available. This can occur on inbound messages when the target component is unavailable or on output when the target JMS destination is unavailable.
Very often, the only available action when these situations occur is to abandon the process and restart it when the endpoint services are available, or with better or more complete data. This is time consuming, repetitive, and expensive. However, it's possible to configure a process to be suspended, rather than terminated, and to issue a failed event in situations like these. The failed event can then be manually processed. Business Process Manager Advanced provides a failed event manager to enable these events to be processed. Depending on the specific event type, events can be deleted, resubmitted or modified, or an internal trace can be activated for further diagnosis.
The failed event manager has a feature called Store and Forward. Using this feature, if one of the components in the SCA assembly model is accessed asynchronously (by some form of messaging), and that component becomes unavailable, a failed event is generated and all subsequent messages destined for that unavailable component are stored inside the process engine database until the target component is available again. Once the component is available the stored messages are then forwarded to the component. The benefit of this is that you don't raise multiple failed events when a component becomes unavailable.
Event sequencing
There are many scenarios in which processing of information in strict order are of paramount importance to the integrity of the environment. For example:
Ø  An accountCreation event is created and sent for processing. This is followed by an accountCredit event. Clearly, the accountCredit event cannot be processed before the accountCreation event. If this does happen, then at best there will be a confusing "unknown account" message and, at worst, a lost credit.
Ø  An erroneous addressUpdate event is created and is followed by a corrected addressUpdate event. If these are processed out of order, then the erroneous event will be the final version.
Ø  Your account has 10 Euros in it. You deposit a check for 100 Euros into your account. You then withdraw 50 Euros. If the withdrawal transaction is processed first, you would get an "insufficient funds" error (and possibly a large fee from your bank).
In order to accommodate challenges like this, Business Process Manager Advanced provides event sequencing. This enables events for the same key (accountNumber, customerId, and so on) to be sequenced, while other activities can be processed in the order of their arrival.
In order to provide this capability, it's necessary to verify that there is no overlapping work already in the system, so this capability is computationally intense. Because of this, it is recommended that you use it sparingly.
Endpoint retry and reselection
One of the core capabilities of Business Process Manager Advanced is the orchestration of endpoint services. One of the challenges with this orchestration is taking care of situations in which an endpoint is unavailable or in which there is a choice of endpoints depending upon cost, speed, capability, and so on. Through the underlying WebSphere ESB component, Business Process Manager Advanced has the ability to dynamically select or reselect an endpoint. This is generally provided in concert with some form of service registry and repository, such as WebSphere Service Registry and Repository that has the list of alternate services. The ESB can access this list and then automatically, based on configuration, retry failed service calls, select alternate service endpoints, or choose from a set of service endpoints based on some classification of the set of service endpoints.
This capability prevents needless failure scenarios when services are not available and enables a single ESB mediation to call different services depending on circumstances.

Tools support for SOA integration with IBM Integration Designer

Above and beyond the functional capabilities provided by Business Process Manager Advanced, Business Process Manager Advanced also provides graphical tooling that makes building solutions straightforward for the IT developer. One of the key points about developing solutions in a complex, interconnected IT environment is that solution development needs to be made as straightforward as it can be. IBM Integration Designer provides graphical tools support for all of the capabilities described in previous sections, including all of those provided by IBM Business Process Manager Advanced, WebSphere Adapters (and Adapter Toolkit) and WebSphere ESB. It also supports WebSphere Data Power, which is not discussed in this article. Integration Designer is supported on all Windows® operating systems and some Linux® operating systems, providing a choice of target platform.
Integration Designer has basic features, which are described in the following sections: Eclipse integration, visual tooling, refactoring, testing, and integration.

Eclipse integration

Integration Designer is based on Eclipse and a subset of Rational® Application Developer, as shown in Figure 7.
Eclipse is familiar to the J2EE development community and a widely adopted IDE. The Eclipse plug-in architecture enables Integration Designer to leverage third-party tool plug-ins. For example, Eclipse plug-ins is available for most key source code management software, such as CVS and IBM Rational Team Concert.

Visual tooling

Integration Designer inherits graphical tools from Eclipse and Rational Application Developer, and provides specific tools for advanced Business Process Manager Requirements, such as SCA and BPEL. Each visual tool is adapted to the particular requirements of the development challenge being addressed, as shown in the Figures 8 and 9,
Figure 8 shows the Java development environment inherited from Eclipse.
Figure 9 shows the EJB development environment inherited from Rational Application Developer.
Some of the Rational Application Developer tools available in Integration Designer are: XML tools, J2EE tools, web services tools, web development tools, and many others.
Integration Designer provides visual editors for the entire SCA component types mentioned previously. Figure 10 and 11 show examples of these editors.
For all of these component types, Integration Designer provides a highly productive, codeless, user-friendly, visual, drag-and-drop development environment that supports the SCA and J2EE programming models underlying the Business Process Manager Advanced capabilities discussed earlier.

Refactoring support

It's a fact of life that all projects change. They do this as they grow into a production implementation and when subsequent rounds of modifications take place. Changes to projects can involve restructuring of business objects, modification of components, and so on. If a business object or component is reused in multiple other components, a simple change can quickly become difficult and error prone. The ability to manage these sorts of changes is known as refactoring, and Integration Designer provides rich refactoring and search facilities to facilitate frequent code and design changes, as shown in Figure 12.
Component testing
A Process Server instance is built into Integration Designer to facilitate testing of components. Integration Designer provides the capability to test at various levels from individual components to entire applications. The J2EE artifacts generated by the visual editors can be deployed to the test Process Server for testing and debugging, as shown in Figure 13.
Once the generated code is deployed to the test Process Server, integration developers can use the graphical test client to unit test their integrations. Connected components that are not yet integrated can be scaffolded so that their absence does not affect the component under test. The test client displays the component invocation tree along with the input and output data at each execution step, as shown in Figure 14.
All visual component editors in Integration Designer provide component debuggers. You can set breakpoints for the various artifacts and then use the provided Debug perspective to step through the code, examine and change variables, and resolve issues, as shown in Figure 15.
Individual test cases can be grouped together in test suites. The test suite editor is used to create both test cases and test suites. When the expected results don't match the output data at runtime, a test case is marked as failed. Test suites can be run either in Integration Designer, from Ant scripts, or from scripts that are a part of server deploy tasks.

Integration with IBM Process Center and Process Designer

The focus of this article has been the features of IBM Business Process Manager Advanced and the capabilities it provides above and beyond IBM Business Process Manager Standard. However, the two environments need to cooperate and interoperate. All of the Business Process Manager Advanced artifacts are developed using IBM Integration Designer, as described in the previous section. This is an Eclipse-based tool that utilizes local workspaces, unlike IBM Process Designer. At appropriate points (at the discretion of the Integration Designer user), the Integration Designer workspace can be synchronized with the Process Center and all artifacts then become available to Process Designer.
This capability is provided via the Process Center component of the system. Process Center provides the common artifact repository and "join point" for the two environments. This enables artifacts to be brought together and also enables artifacts (and particularly their interfaces) to be shared between Integration Designer and Process Designer. Integration Designer developers can browse for process applications, open them in their workspace and then implement any required process integration services that were specified, but not implemented, in Process Designer. These services are known as Advanced Integration Services (AIS).

IBM Business Process Manager Standard and an ESB?

One frequent question has to do with the notion of pairing IBM Business Process Manager Standard and an ESB. Would doing so provide all of the required process integration capabilities? Although the ESB provides significant connectivity and integration capabilities, the answer is no. An Enterprise Service Bus provides application integration capabilities. This addresses some of the process integration capabilities described earlier, but not all. Depending upon the ESB that is selected (not all ESBs are the same!), the following capabilities are available:
The basic ESB capabilities mentioned in the Integrated ESB section.
Ø  Some ESBs provide support for adapters.
Ø  ESBs provide different levels of basic transaction support, with the best providing support of distributed transactions.
Ø  Endpoint retry and reselection.
However, there is minimal support for SCA, except with WebSphere ESB, compensation, or failed events. If the full range of process integration capabilities is required, Business Process Manager Advanced is the way to go.


Finally, we will take a look at how these capabilities are implemented in IBM Business Process Manager. Figure 17 shows the primary capabilities of IBM Business Process Manager V7.5.
As shown in Figure 17, Business Process Manager Advanced capabilities are scattered across mediations, BPEL microflows and BPEL long-running processes. The SCA environment and the underlying WebSphere Application Server underpin all of these, providing supporting functions.
Before IBM Business Process Manager V7.5, these capabilities were delivered in two separate products, and it was possible but sometimes challenging to join the capabilities. That's now a thing of the past, and it's pretty straightforward to make use of the Business Process Manager Advanced capabilities.


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