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Thursday, August 22, 2013

WPS & WESB Installation in Windows 7


     WebSphere Process Server is the run time engine for artifacts produced in a business-driven development process. Technically, WebSphere Process Server is mounted on top of WebSphere Application Server and extends the WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus. Since 2011, WebSphere Process Server has been integrated to IBM Business Process Manager Suite and its functionality is included on the "Advanced" version of this suite. WebSphere Process Server uses the WebSphere Integration Developer as development tool.
     IBM WebSphere ESB provides an Enterprise Service Bus for IT environments built on open standards, SOA, messaging and Web services technologies of WebSphere Application Server. WebSphere ESB is a Java centric ESB that has strong integration with Web services-based connectivity and service-oriented integration. WebSphere ESB inherits the high availability and fail over capability of the WebSphere Application Server, Network Deployment edition.
     Here we are going to learn steps for installation of WebSphere Process Server v7.0, WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus v7.0 and WebSphere Integration Developer v7.0.

Installation requirements:

     This section details hardware, software, and user privilege requirements that must be met in order to successfully install and run WID v7.0, WPS v7.0 & WESB v7.0.

Hardware Requirements:

     The following hardware must be installed before you install WebSphere® Integration Developer, WPS and WESB:
  1. Intel Pentium III 1 GHz processor minimum (Higher is recommended).
  2. 1 GB RAM minimum (2 GB RAM is recommended).
  3. Disk space: For a default installation, a minimum 8 GB of available disk space is required. This includes the temporary disk space required during installation.
  4. Display resolution: Minimum 1024 x 768 display resolution (1280 x 1024 is recommended).

Operating Systems:

     One of the following operating systems must be installed:
  1. Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition SP2.
  2. Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition SP2.
  3. Windows Server 2008, Enterprise Edition.
  4. Windows Server 2008, Standard Edition.
  5. Windows Vista Business Edition.
  6. Windows Vista Enterprise Edition.
  7. Windows XP Professional SP1, SP2 and SP3.
  8. Windows XP Professional x64 SP2 (in 32-bit mode).
  9. Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 4 WS - Update 6.
  10. Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5 WS - Update 1.
  11. Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 4 Desktop.
  12. Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5 Desktop - Update 1.
  13. SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 SP4.
  14. SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP1.
  15. SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 9 SP1 to SP4.
  16. SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10.
  17. Windows 7.
    The above listed Windows and Linux operating systems support all of the national languages that WebSphere Integration Developer supports.


     Before start of out installation, we need to unzip the WID 7.0 software files.

Step 1: Right click on launchpad application select Run as administrator.
Step 2: Now it will open IBM WebSphere Integration Developer v7.0 Launchpad. Select Install IBM WebSphere Integration Developer V7.0.
Step 3: Now it will open IBM Installation Manager in a new window. Select IBM WebSphere Integration Developer, Version and then click on next.
Now it will show Installation packages warning message, ignore this massage and click on next.
Step 4: Accept the license agreement and click on next.
Step 5: Select the package group name, Installation directory and then click on next.
By default the language as selected as English, so make sure that English has been selected and click on next.
Step 6: Select the features as shown below. We have features like Adapters, client development, etc.
Step 7: Click on Install, so WebSphere Integration Developer Installation will start.
WebSphere Integration Developer Installation will take 30 min to complete based on system performance. Once WebSphere Integration Developer installed successfully, it will look like below and click on finish.
Now we have completed WebSphere Integration Developer Installation. We need to install WPS and WESB. To install WPS and WESB, we should have application server environment.
Step 8: Go back to IBM WebSphere Integration Developer v7.0 Launchpad window, select Install WebSphere Application Server.
Now it will open a pop up box click on Ok and wait for complete WebSphere Application Server installation. Look the following screen shot, this step will take time, and it will not progress as shown below.
Be patience here and wait for WebSphere Application Server installation completion message.

Now we can install WPS and WESB as we have WebSphere Application Server environment.
Step 9: Go back to IBM WebSphere Integration Developer v7.0 Launchpad window; select install the WebSphere test environment.
Step 10: Now it will open IBM Installation Manager in a new window. Select IBM WebSphere Application Server and IBM WebSphere Process Server as shown below.
Step 11: Select IBM WebSphere Application Server V7 feature pack and click on next.
Now it will show Installation packages warning message, ignore this massage and click on next.

Step 12: Accept the license agreement and click on next.
Step 13: Select the package group name, Installation directory and then click on next.
By default the language as selected as English, so make sure that English has been selected and click on next.
Step 14: Select the features as shown below. Here select Stand-alone development WebSphere Process Server profile (qwps) and Stand-alone development WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus profile (qesb) and then click on next.
Step 15: Enter profile configuration credentials as shown below.
User name: admin
Password: admin
Confirm password: admin
Step 16: Review the packages and click on Install.
Now it will take around two hours time for create WPS, WESB profile and to complete installation. Wait for successful installation message on Installation Manager Window.


     Here we learnt how to create WPS, WESB profile and installation along with development tool WebSphere Integration Developer. This process will take around 3 to 4 hours time to complete successful installation.


File Name
WPS & WESB Installation in Windows 7
611 KB

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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Build & Integrate the Applications with SCA binding in WPS

            Service Component Architecture (SCA) provides a simple, powerful programming model for implementing applications based on the Open SCA specifications. The SCA modules of WebSphere Process Server use import and export bindings to interoperate with Open SCA services.
            SCA application invokes WebSphere Process Server SCA applications using an export binding. An Open SCA application receives a call from a WebSphere Process Server SCA application using an import binding.
           The SCA binding is used for invocations between SCA modules. This binding type is the simplest to configure and provides seamless integration between modules. An SCA binding provides a consistent means for communicating across module boundaries in a WebSphere Process Server or WebSphere ESB environment. The underlying protocol used by the SCA binding is selected automatically based on the invocation pattern used by the client module.
            SCA provides four invocation patterns.
  • Synchronous - Client issues a request and waits for the response.
  • Asynchronous one-way - Client issues a request and a response is not expected.
  • Asynchronous deferred response - Client issues a request and the response will be requested by the client at a later point in time.
  • Asynchronous call back - Client issues a request and the target will call a service implemented by the client with the response.
            The WebSphere Process Server or WebSphere ESB SCA runtime will decide when to use the underlying system integration bus (for asynchronous invocation patterns), or RMI/IIOP (for the synchronous invocation pattern).
          The SCA binding capability is driven by the export. During the installation process of an SCA module to a WebSphere Process Server, the necessary support artifacts are created:
For asynchronous invocations, cell scoped service integration bus (SIBus) destinations are created in the SCA.SYSTEM.<cell name>.Bus.
          For synchronous communication, a cell scoped name space binding those points to the module session bean is created; a module session bean is a stateless session bean that is used by the module for a variety of purposes, such as unit of work boundaries, security configuration, and so on.
          The import and export files work together, where the import file contains important information about the export, helping any number of clients to import a target service. Using the information in the .import file and the invocation pattern (sync or async) the SCA runtime identifies whether to use a SIBus destination or a WebSphere name space binding.
       Here we are going to learn, how to creating import, export and configuring SCA binding for those import, export. He are we are going to develop a simple application for Order creation and approval.
          Here we are going to build the application. We need to follow the steps to complete this application.
  • Create an EAI_Librry.
  • Create and Implement EAI_OrderApproval Module.
  • Create and Implement EAI_OrderRequest Module.
  • Test the Application.
Create an EAI_OrderLibrry:
       Select File àNew àLibrary, give name as EAI_Library then click on finish.
Create a business Object called OrderRequest.
Right click on EAI_Library, New àBusiness Object, give the name as ‘OrderRequest’ then click on finish. Add the following fields to business Objects as shown below.
Create a business Object called OrderRespons as shown below.
Create a business Object called OrderApproveRequest as shown below.
Create a business Object called OrderApproveResponse as shown below.
Create an Interface called OrderRequestInterface.
Right click on EAI_Library, New àInterface, give the name as ‘OrderRequestInterface’ then click on finish. Add the operation to Interface as shown below.
Create an Interface called OrderApproveInterface as shown below.
Create and Implement EAI_OrderApproval Module:
          Right click on Business Integration view, select new àModule.
        Give the name as ‘EAI_OrderApprove’, click on next then select EAI_Library as required libraries, then click on finish.
Drag and drop a Java component into EAI_OrderApprove - Assembly diagram and rename as ‘OrderApprove’.
Add OrderApproveInterface to OrderApprove java component as an Interface.
Right click on OrderApprove select Add à Interface, select OrderApproveInterface and click on ok.
Generate an export for access other SCA services. Right click on OrderApprove java component, select Generate Export à SCA Binding. This will available for access SCA applications.
Now we need to implement the OrderApprove Java component. Double click on OrderApprove and use the following code into approveOrder (DataObject request).
System.out.println("***** Entering into OrderApprove () *****");
// create approveOrder return data object using the BO factory
BOFactory bof =      (BOFactory)ServiceManager.INSTANCE.locateService("com/ibm/websphere/bo/BOFactory");
DataObject Response = bof.create("http://EAI_Library","OrderApproveResponse “);
String Status =null;
      String Remarks = null;
            Status = "APPROVED";
            Remarks = "Successfully order approved";
            Status = "REJECTED";
            Remarks = "rejected the order";
      Response.setString("OrderID", request.getString("OrderID"));
      System.out.println("***** Exit from OrderApprove () *****");
      return Response;
Create and Implement EAI_OrderRequest Module
Right click on Business Integration view, select new àModule.
Give the name as ‘EAI_OrderRequest’, click on next then select EAI_Library as required libraries, then click on finish.
Drag and drop a Process component into EAI_OrderRequest - Assembly diagram and rename as ‘BP_OrderRequest’.
Add OrderRequestInterface to BP_OrderRequest as an Interface. Right click on BP_OrderRequest select Add àInterface.
Select OrderRequestInterface then click on Ok.
Add OrderApproveInterface to BP_OrderRequest as a Reference. Right click on BP_OrderRequest select Add àReference.
Select OrderApproveInterface, give name as OrderApproveInterfacePartner click on Ok.
Drag and drop an Import component into EAI_OrderRequest - Assembly diagram and rename as ‘OrderApprove’.
Add OrderApproveInterface to OrderApprove’ as an Interface. Drag a wire from BP_OrderRequest to OrderApprove. The EAI_OrderRequest - Assembly diagram is shown below now.
Right click on OrderApprove import and select Generate Binding à SCA binding. It will be used for invoke external services using SCA binding
Select OrderApprove import component, select Properties àBinding, click on browse, select OrderApprovalExport then click on Ok.
OrderApprovalExport is which we have exported as export in EAI_OrderApproval assembly diagram. So we are going to invoke OrderApprove java component from BP_OrderRequest using SCA binding.
Now the properties are look like below.
Now double click on ‘BP_OrderRequest’ Process for implement. The implementation is look like below. I will explain here each and every activity functionality and implementation.
Log Entry (Snippet): It is used for customize our messages, we can write java code and made business logic here.
Here we are going to print the log into console. Click on LogEntry activity go to properties à Details, select Java button. Write the following code as shown below.
Generate OrderID:
Here we are writing java code for generate orderID for each order.
Click on Generate OrderID activity go to properties àDetails, select Java button. Write the following code as shown below.
Set Request for Order Approve (Assign): It is used for assign values to variables.
Here we are setting input for Order Approve service. Click on Set Request for Order Approve activity goes to properties àDetails. Select the x path as shown below.
Invoke Order Approve Service (Invoke): It is use for call external services.
Here we are using for call Order Approve Service. Click on Invoke Order Approve Service activity go to properties àDetails. Select the partner, operation and input, output parameters as shown below.
Set Response (Assign): It is used for assign values to variables.
Here we are setting response from Order approve service to OrderRespons. Click on Set Response activity go to properties àDetails. Select the x path as shown below.
Log Exit (Snippet): It is used for customize our messages, we can write java code and made business logic here.
Here we are going to print the log exit into console. Click on LogExit activity go to properties à Details, select Java button. Write the following code as shown below.
Test the Application:
Start the WebSphere process Server. Select Servers view à WebSphere Process Server v7.0 click on start the server.
Add the EAI_OrderRequest and EAI_OrderApprove modules to WebSphere process Server. Right click on WebSphere process Server v7.0 àAdd and remove projects, select EAI_OrderRequest and EAI_OrderApprove click on Add then click on Finish.
Double click on EAI_OrderRequest assembly diagram, Right click on BP_OrderRequest and select Test Component.
Enter the request parameters as shown below and click on continue.
The final output will be look like below. Here EAI_OrderRequest module will be invoked EAI_OrderApproval module using SCA binding. Find the Integrated test client flow for each activity it performed.
Find the console log for log statements which we have implemented in both the modules.
         Imports and exports enable us to expose out solutions in service-oriented fashion. In this article, you learned how to integrate SCA solutions using SCA import and exports. In future articles, we will examine integrating with other solutions using some of the other bindings such as Web services and JMS.
File Name
SCA Binding.zip
SCA Binding Sample
25 KB
SCA Binding in WPS.pdf
SCA binding implementation in WPS
790 KB

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