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Sunday, December 27, 2015

Maven - Environment Setup

Maven is Java based tool, so the very first requirement is to have JDK installed on your machine. We will discuss how to setup the Maven in windows operating system.
System Requirement
1.5 or above.
No minimum requirement.
Disk Space
No minimum requirement.
Operating System
No minimum requirement.
Verify Java installation on your machine
Now open console and execute the following java command.
Set JAVA environment
Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the base directory location where Java is installed on your machine. For example
Set the environment variable JAVA_HOME to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_51.
Set Maven environment variables
Add M2_HOME to environment variables.
Set the environment variables using system properties.
Add Maven bin directory location to system path
Now append M2 variable to System Path
Set the environment variables using system properties.
Path=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_51\bin;C:\JBoss\Maven\apache-maven-3.3.3\bin
Verify Maven installation
Now open console, execute the following mvn command.
Open Command Console        c:\> mvn –version
Finally, verify the output of the above commands, which should be something as follows:
Congratulations! You are now all set to use Apache Maven for your projects. In this article we covered Apache Maven setup in Windows Operating system.

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Dmaven.multiModuleProjectDirectory system property is not set Error

I have set up Maven and Java in environment variables in Windows. When I run the Maven project in eclipse or in JBoss Developer studio I use to get below error.
I have ran my fuse project using JBoss Developer studio. I have selected my fuse project right click on project selected Run as build. I have entered clean install and click on finish. I got below error in JBoss Developer studio. In this error only we have solution. We need to set the M2 HOME.
 -Dmaven.multiModuleProjectDirectory system propery is not set. Check $M2_HOME environment variable and mvn script match.
It’s a simple solution to fix the issue. Just follow the below steps.
Click on Window à Preferences à Java à Installed JREs à Select the jdk click on edit.
Enter Default DM arguments as -Dmaven.multiModuleProjectDirectory=$M2_HOME then click on Finish.

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Thursday, December 24, 2015

Set up your IDE: Eclipse for Java Developers

This article provides the Eclipse setup, which is a prerequisite for building the any java applications. We will begin by installing the Eclipse IDE for Java Developers, followed by a series of tools using the “Install New Software” feature of Eclipse to complete the setup
We are going to Install Eclipse and a JDK (if needed):
If you do not already have a JDK installed, download and install one now. I use version 1.8.0.
Download Eclipse IDE for Java Developers. I use Eclipse Mas.
Extract the ZIP file to a permanent installation directory. For example, C:\Eclipse.
Run eclipse.exe under the installation directory. For example, C:\Eclipse\eclipse.
Select a workspace. For example, C:\Eclipse\Workspace\16_SEP_2015.

Now eclipse will be opened for Java development.
We just have set up eclipse for Java developer. We can start developing Java applications. We can add more developer plug-ins to eclipse to develop any other applications like spring etc. I am going to publish these set up in my next articles.

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What's new in IBM Business Process Manager V8.5

IBM® Business Process Manager (BPM) V8.5 is a comprehensive and consumable business process management platform designed for faster time to deployment. For use straight out of the box or in an easily customizable configuration, this highly integrated environment scales smoothly and easily from initial project to enterprise-wide program, providing faster time to value with improved user productivity.
Business Process Manager V8.5 includes tooling and run time for process design, execution, monitoring, and optimization of business processes. BPM V8.5 helps to reinvent business processes with:
·         Simplified BPM installation, configuration, migration, and administration capabilities—to help reduce the time and effort required to setup, manage, and expand IBM BPM environments.
·         Built-in dashboards enhancements— to help improve business process outcomes using dashboard customization option for enhanced visibility.
·         Entitlement to IBM Worklight Enterprise Edition for Nonproduction Environment —to help accelerate the development of IBM BPM applications on mobile devices.
·         New internal repository—for consistent storage of internal and external document attachments using standard Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) interfaces.
·         Improved communications and change tracking—for better collaboration between business process stakeholders using IBM Blueworks Live and implementation teams using IBM BPM.
IBM Business Process Manager supports:
·         Full visibility for streamlining tasks, enabling continuous process improvement through analytics.
·         Real-time collaboration for facilitating task management and communications with subject matter experts, helping to ensure project accuracy and timely completion.
·         Program-wide governance using the Process Center, a scalable and centralized, common design environment and asset repository.
·         Enterprise integration of applications and back-end systems.
·         BPM mobile capability for task management from both IBM Business Process Manager and Blueworks Live™.
Process Portal
Access insightful, concise information from redesigned default dashboards if you are a process owner or team manager
·         Visualize process performance issues more easily, and in real time. For example, instantly see overdue and at risk work.
·         Take corrective actions directly from the dashboard to improve business process outcomes or balance workloads.
·         Collaborate with team members and contribute to instance activity streams without leaving the dashboard.
Experience a highly effective and collaborative work environment with improved social capabilities
·         See whether other users are logged in to Process Portal to identify and contact an expert to move work forward.
·         Keep up to date with posts to the @Mentions stream. Unseen posts are counted and marked, and streams are automatically refreshed.
·         Easily find and choose the right experts to send an invitation to collaborate on tasks.
Work more efficiently and effectively as process participants
·         Complete tasks in environments that are integrated with IBM Connections and IBM Domino® Server.
·         Decide which pages are shown in the Process Portal interface by reordering the displayed and hidden tabs.
·         Copy URLs for inclusion in chat sessions, emails, and documents.
Process Designer and Process Center

More efficiently design dashboards for Process Portal users
·         Modify and extend the newly designed, default dashboards using tools that are in Process Designer. 
·         Create custom, localized dashboards with the reusable components that are in the Dashboards toolkit: interface elements, implementation services, and data objects.
More easily design Coaches
·         Use Ctrl + SPACE code assistance to see the available Coach API when you are entering JavaScript code. JavaScript code and HTML code now feature syntax highlighting.
·         Add variables to custom HTML items that are resolved when the HTML page is generated. For example, you can assign a user name as a variable so that each user’s name is displayed on the HTML page.
·         Set the visibility of a Coach View when you are editing it in a Coach.
·         Call classes and functions that are in Dojo 1.8.3.
·         Use Tab and Table stock controls that feature improved runtime performance. This enhanced performance is for all browsers including Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.
Enable groups of users to interact with processes more easily
·         Define organizational structure of teams by adding managers that teams report to.
·         Delegate the specification of a team's members to a team retrieval service that dynamically returns a list of users that is based on parameters.
·         Use a team filter service to specify who must work on a task from the originally assigned users.
·         There are also terminology improvements: participant group changed to team in IBM Process Designer, Process Portal, and Process Admin Console; milestone changed to phase in Process Designer.
More easily integrate services
·         Optionally select to cache the results of an integration service. The results are cached according to unique input variable data.
·         Add a new web service configuration on the Servers tab of the Process App Settings editor. You can reuse the new web service configuration from multiple web service invocations.
·         Configure web services with policy sets that are reusable.
·         Use variables to add SOAP headers to an outbound message request and automatically retrieve SOAP headers from an incoming response message. Using this method, you can work with SOAP headers whether or not they are defined in the WSDL definition.
Rename business objects, their attributes, and variables with refactoring support
·         See how renaming a business object will affect the objects that refer to it before you rename the business object.
Correlate on top-level properties of variables when working with intermediate events
·         When you are designing intermediate events that are attached to undercover agents, you can now correlate on an individual top-level property of a variable, instead of only on the variable object.
Consistently interact with documents in the internal IBM BPM document store and external CMIS-compatible ECM systems
·         IBM Business Process Manager supports Enterprise Content Management (ECM) integration with IBM FileNet® 5.1 Content Manager, IBM Content Manager 8.4.3, Microsoft SharePoint 2010, and Alfresco Community 4.2.
·         ECM Coach Views now work with the internal IBM Business Process Manager Document store.
More easily work with processes that were originally created in Blueworks Live™
·         You now can view Blueworks Live processes in Blueworks Live when you are subscribing to the processes from IBM BPM.
·         You now can search to find specific spaces and processes when you are subscribing to Blueworks Live processes.
·         Blueworks Live activity details that are not imported into another field are now imported into the documentation field, including business owners, experts, systems, suppliers, inputs, outputs, customers, risk, custom fields, problems, and existing documentation.
·         Some Blueworks Live values are automatically imported into KPIs: cost, work time, wait time, total time, and value add.
·         You now can check for updates to the original Blueworks Live processes from IBM BPM.
Enjoy more flexibility with enhanced importing
·         You can now import BPMN files into an existing process application instead of creating a process application that is based on a BPMN model.
Extend your ability to administer snapshots
·         You can now specify which snapshots recognize and respond to a message event.
·         You can now delete unnamed and archived snapshots of a process application using the new BPMSnapshotCleanupcommand.
·         You can schedule IBM Process Center to automatically delete unnamed snapshots.
Use governance processes to provide approvals for snapshots that are installed by wsadmin commands
·         Installations that are initiated through BPMInstall and BPMCreateOfflinePackage commands now can use a governance process. With a governance process, you can attach rules or approvals to the installation of a snapshot on a server.
Process Server
Experience more options for managing applications and artifacts by using wsadmin commands
Update system toolkits with interim fixes by using the BPMUpdateSystemApp command.
·         Administer the new IBM BPM document store with the following commands:
·         maintainDocumentStoreAuthorization
·         getDocumentStoreStatus
·         startDocumentStoreMigration
·         maintainDocumentStoreTrace
·         updateDocumentStoreApplication
Monitor events with the centralized Failed Events Manager
The Failed Event Manager is now available from the administrative console under your deployment environment.
Customize a context root prefix across a deployment environment to simplify administration
Experience easier deployment-environment administration with a custom context root prefix configuration. You can now use the BPMConfig command with the -update parameter to create a single context root prefix configuration, minimizing the initial costs, reducing security costs, and hiding context root management issues from users.
Remove durable subscription messages from your database
Using the BPMDeleteDurableMessages command, you can remove old durable subscription messages from the LSW_DUR_MSG_RECEIVED database table. You can use this capability to trim the size of the table periodically.
Integration Designer
Speed setup time with simplified installation
You can now install IBM Integration Designer and the IBM Process Server test environment from the Launchpad:
·         Select the specific features in IBM Integration Designer to install.
·         Specify the user names and passwords for cell administrative account fields and deployment manager account fields while you are installing the Process Server.
·         Specify the user name and password for database connectivity.
In addition, the options IBM Integration Designer for WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus and IBM Integration Designer for IBM Business Monitor are no longer available.
Enjoy improved flexibility with custom XPath extension functions
Custom XPath extension functions can be used in BPEL processes. You now can create your own XPath extension functions instead of using only predefined functions. Custom XPath extension functions are helpful if you are migrating from a different product and want to use existing functions with IBM BPM.
Develop mobile applications with the IBM Business Process Manager V8.5 and IBM Worklight® bundle
IBM Business Process Manager Advanced and IBM Business Process Manager Standard V8.5 now include a nonproduction license entitlement for IBM Worklight Enterprise Edition as a supporting program. You can download Worklight Enterprise Edition from Passport Advantage® based on your IBM BPM entitlements.
Worklight Enterprise Edition offers organizations a wide set of services to help manage, develop, and deploy functionally rich, cross-platform mobile applications. When you combine Worklight Enterprise Edition (nonproduction license entitlement) with IBM BPM, you can do the following tasks:
·         Develop custom hybrid mobile applications that extend IBM BPM experiences to smartphones and tablets.
·         Use IBM BPM APIs and Coaches in custom mobile applications.
·         Use authentication, notification, and analytics capabilities from Worklight Enterprise Edition.
·         Use the Worklight App Center private application store to test the distribution of your application inside your enterprise.
When you are ready to move your application to a production environment, you can do so by purchasing either a Worklight Enterprise Edition license or a Worklight Consumer Edition license, depending on your needs.
Performance Data Warehouse
Control the size of the Performance Data Warehouse
Delete records from the Performance Data Warehouse by using the new prune command, which is part of the Performance Data Warehouse tool (perfDWTool). By pruning records that you no longer need, you can keep the Performance Data Warehouse from becoming too large.

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